Online Consultation procedure with our specialist


With a view to your safety and comfort, we have prepared Online Consultation procedure with our specialist.  This consultation includes a specially Comprehensive Treatment Package, which is designed for people who require an unique approach to dental and oral health.


With a view to your safety and comfort, we have prepared Online Consultation procedure with our specialist.  This consultation includes a specially Comprehensive Treatment Package, which is designed for people who require an unique approach to dental and oral health.

What does it consist of?

Once you have completed the form and uploaded your photos, we will contact you to schedule a convinient time for a video appointment with the doctor. An online appointment allows you to have a face-to-face conversation with the doctor and prepare personalized treatment plan and cost estimate.

What dou you already gain from this consultation?

  • a direct conversation with our specialist,
  • comprehensive treatment plan and cost estimate,
  • virtual visualization of your treatment needs,
  • if you live in another city or country, you do not have to come for a visit,
  • you receive a range of information on the full scope of dentistry (implantology, prosthetics etc.)
  • you receive a reliable estimate, plan of procedures, consultant’s care,
  • the possibility of organizing your stay in Kraków,
  • the best dental clinic in Kraków according to Top 10 Dentalclinics&hospitals in the world GCR,
  • guaranteed appointments with specialists,
  • individual care of a personal Patient’s Manager.

Continuing treatment at Luxdentica, the following specialist consultations are free of charge       within the purchased Package of Online Consultations:

  • prosthetic consultation (0zł instead of 100zł),
  • surgical and implantological consultation (0zł instead of 100zł),
  • periodontal consultation (0zł instead of 250zł)